Synopsis: A civil war between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire is underway. The Rebel leader, Princess Leia, is captured by the Empire and it is up to Luke and friends rescue her.
Before we get started on the review I would like to take a second to point out the miracle of absurd movie-making. This is the picture on the Star Wars DVD cover. Please take note of the half-dressed and totally ripped representation of Luke – outlined in red.
Now take a peek at how Luke actually looks in the movie:
Something is not adding up here. On the cover, I was promised a hot intergalactic princess: Check. A dazed-looking robot in the right corner: Check. A masked super villain: Check. And lastly, a ripped guy to fight him: No check. Who the hell is this twerp? Blasphemy, I say. Give me my money back, George Lucas!
But on with the review…
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” ancient civilizations possess the power of space travel, but cannot store Death Star blueprints on anything other than a floppy disk. That’s what I took away from this movie. I ignored any positive message that Star Wars had to offer, and focused on how things could be different if they only stored the plans digitally. But that’s a movie made in the 70s for you.
Like my review of Titanic, my favorite scene in A New Hope was when Luke returned to find his home destroyed and his parents incinerated. In theory, the concept is terrible. No body wishes to see a character’s life be demolished in a movie. But I lost sympathy when I saw the two droids start to stack the charred bodies together as if they were playing a game of Jenga. That was hilariously disrespectful to Luke’s loss.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t take a screen grab portraying the shock I felt watching the droids move the charred bodies. But I did manage to find Star Wars action figures depicting Luke’s Aunt and Uncle’s bodies after they were incinerated – and I thought I was morbid. Here’s a picture of them, from
You can buy these babies on Ebay, and play Charred Human Jenga at home! |
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